Kanler Cumbass


Kanler Cumbass joined ESG in 2021 as an Analyst to support the firm’s postsecondary attainment portfolio and was promoted to Associate in 2022. In his role, Kanler advises institutional, state, national organization, and philanthropic leaders on the quality of non-degree credentials, non-credit and credit alignment, postsecondary attainment strategies, credit for prior learning, and financial aid policy.

Kanler recently served as project manager for the Non-Credit and Credit Alignment Lab, a $1.1 million, two-year initiative engaging 20 community colleges and four community college systems to better align their workforce training and continuing education programs with credit-bearing credentials and degrees. His work is driven by a commitment to enhancing learners’ social and economic mobility. Additionally, Kanler has partnered with several states—including Kentucky, Montana, Hawaii, Missouri, and Michigan—to design and implement state-level strategies aimed at increasing postsecondary attainment rates.

Before joining ESG, Kanler gained valuable experience in the Office of Career Services and the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Georgia (UGA). During his time at UGA, he conducted research for the National Science Foundation on workforce development in STEM fields and studied consumer protection regulations in higher education.

Kanler holds a Masters of Education degree in Higher Education from the University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science from Piedmont University, where he currently serves on the Board of Trustees.

Why are you in this work?

In 2018, approximately 54 percent of students at my undergraduate institution were Pell eligible, thus having a tremendous impact on who was able to fully participate in the success functions of the University. Working alongside administration to improve student outcomes and mobility, I realized that I could pursue a life-long career in higher education to uplift low-income, rural, and marginalized student populations. This realization, coupled with my own experiences, led me into graduate studies and has shaped my career.

Why ESG?

Education Strategy Group is dedicated to equity in education and meeting, if not exceeding, attainment goals across the United States. Further, the organization believes that high-quality higher education leads to economic growth and mobility for underserved students and communities. My personal values deeply align with ESG, and I am excited to get to work! 

Connect with Kanler

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