Taking Alignment to the Next Level

Earning a postsecondary credential—a certificate with labor market value or an associate or bachelor’s degree—opens doors to employment with family-sustaining wages. Every individual in this country should be able to access postsecondary education and be supported along the way to credential attainment and a meaningful career. Today, too few youth—especially students of color, first-generation college students, and students from low-income families—have that opportunity. That must change. Postsecondary readiness and success must be a priority for every policymaker, educator, and student to ensure that the transition between high school and higher education and training is a launch pad, not a hurdle.

Meeting workforce needs and closing postsecondary attainment gaps requires partnerships between K–12 and higher education leaders. Without cross-system alignment, students may suffer from a lack of preparation or support in the transition between systems. Taking Alignment to the Next Level highlights bright spots across the country that have been successful in increasing the number of high school students prepared for and successfully transitioning to postsecondary education and training programs. This brief also provides high impact strategies to develop and scale solutions that can strengthen collaboration and alignment between the workforce, K–12, and higher education communities.


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This brief highlights a set of strategies to improve high school students’postsecondary
preparation, access, and success.