Focus Areas
Our mission: Help communities, states and, ultimately, the nation deliver a high-quality, coherent education and training system to enable economic mobility and prosperity. Collaboration across K-12, postsecondary and workforce systems increases attainment, grows economies, and closes longstanding opportunity and achievement gaps.
Smoothing transitions for success
America’s education system is the cornerstone of our democracy and economy. When it works well, seamless transitions from K-12 to postsecondary to careers lift up all students and families, and grow economies. Unfortunately, those transitions are not always seamless, and that leaves young people unprepared, with limited options for the future. Students of color and those from low-income families have been particularly harmed by weak transition points on the path through education to work. We focus our work on leveraging and scaling the highest-impact strategies to strengthen student transitions, creating on-ramps to postsecondary credentials for all Americans, particularly those who have historically been left behind.
To learn more about our work, visit the Services page.