Postsecondary Attainment Strategies
The nature of work is changing. Our rapidly-shifting economy demands a substantial increase in the number of individuals who have successfully completed education or training beyond high school. Postsecondary credentials—including high-quality certificates, two-year, and four-year degrees—are necessary for long-term economic mobility and success, but current credential attainment levels neither meet the demand of today’s economy nor are they equitably distributed across race, income, and gender lines.
To ensure they have the robust workforce needed to sustain strong economies, states and communities must substantially increase the number of adults who hold a postsecondary degree or credential with labor market value. Increasing postsecondary attainment, particularly among individuals of color, is crucial for meeting overall attainment goals and building a more equitable society.
ESG works with higher education systems and institutions to improve postsecondary attainment through the development of specific and ambitious goals, scaling of high-impact strategies for student retention and success, and the strengthening of direct connections between higher education and the workforce.